
Upside Down

WARNING: The following body of text may cause sudden urges of acrobatic movement. Proceed with caution and a safety net.

We need to occasionally look at the world while upside down. It is so easy to get lost in our own lives and think ours is the only perspective, these solutions we see are the only fix to our problems, everything that can be invented has been invented, blah blah bleh etc. These are very limiting thoughts. When we stand on our head, our perspective changes, the problems we thought were problems are now smelborp; which, when translated, means hakuna matata.

To change your perspective without changing your position is a huge mind battle and requires imagining yourself in a place you are not actually occupying. Move to the other side of the room, stand on your head, move up a few floors and look down to see how the situation changes. When we change our perspective we change our questions and if we change our questions while we have the same problems, and we most certainly will have the same problems, then we can change our solutions. When we find different solutions then plagues we have dealt with our whole entire lives suddenly seem manageable. Theoretically. Hopefully practically as well; would you let me know if this works practically as well?


In other news, I read an article today about this house that crazy built and this couple who basically live in an obstacle course with no interior doors and uneven ground to the extreme. There are no children allowed, adults have to sign a waiver, and there are floor to ceiling polls to hold onto if you can't keep your balance. The idea is that the house keeps your body in an equilibrium that keeps you fit and healthy and mentally stimulated so you boost your immune system and never die. Sounds good enough. They say it is when you are comfortable in your life that death finds you. They say it's immoral that people have to die. They say they decided not to die. Why fight death? Or maybe they're fighting for life. I am not afraid of death but I appreciate the idea of fighting what can't be fought. It means you are passionate to the point of disregarding simple facts that determine your success before you even start because you simply have so much will power that you believe you can just will it to happen. If you focus enough and work enough and think enough then with a little pixie dust sheer will can overcome the most insurmountable obstacles. And maybe, just maybe, you'll succeed. So I won't fight death, but I will fight. Also, I have an agreement with a certain pixie and my life is dusted.