
Double Bubble

Remember way back when you would chew this huge chunk of bubble gum and blow bubbles the size of your head while simultaneously removing all fillings, ruining your braces, and slowly wearing down your jaw? Those were the days. I think we all need to chew more bubble gum. You can really gauge the child inside by the popped bubble shards under their chin. Sick, I know, but a fairly accurate measure. Bubble gum was the largest draw on my income from ages 7 to 10. We couldn't chew gum at school so I would put it in my backpack and whip it out on the bus then pass it around to all the other kids in the back seat. That's right, I rode in the back seat of the bus. Jealous? The coolest bubbles are when you blow one then it pops and as you suck it back in you make another popping noise. Did you know that you can buy 8500 1/2 inch assorted Double Bubble gum balls for the small price of $49? What. A. Deal. Something I'm willing to consider. . .

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